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Former Spotlight Scriptures 

Week of June 23, 2014


"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come...shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39)​


No matter what we're going through, know that the enemy is constantly trying to turn us away from the Love of God. ​​A​​lthough this verse was written many centuries ago, it is still beneficial​ in the 21st century.  No ​​matter what we'​re facing in life, we can be assured that Nothing is to separate us from the Love of God and that He will never leave us alone!


Mother said and taught to never surrender nor compromise it is better to obey the will of God through Jesus Christ.​ 

​May the peace of God be with you this week.  Amen.​​

​e-gameni lika Yesu Krestu u-Msindisi wetu. In the name of Jesus Christ the Savior of o​urs.



​ â€‹Week of June 30, 2014


 "Trust in the Lord with all Thine Heart; and lean not unto thou o​wn understanding in all thy ways acknowledge Him..." (Prov 3:5-6)


Whatever in life we are face with, we keep our Trust in God and know that He knows what He's doing.  Although it may not seem to make sense, we know in due time, not only will God have worked it out, but He will also show how He did it!


Mother Kofi taught to always put God first.​


​May the peace of God be with you this week.  Amen.​​


​e-gameni lika Yesu Krestu u-Msindisi wetu. In the name of Jesus Christ the Savior of o​urs.



Week of July 7, 2014


"…Choose ye this day whom ye will serve…"(Joshua 24:15)


In Joshua's farewell speech to the Children of Israel, he left them with this direction to make a choice as to which god they were to serve.  Whenever the children of Israel turned away from God and served other gods, He would punish them.  Joshua told them that as long as they serve their God, He will continue to Bless them. And, if they served other gods, God will do them hurt. (Joshua 24:20).  Fortunately, they chose at that time to serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.


True believers are also faced with the choice of which god to serve.   As with Joshua and the Children of Israel, true believers will choose to serve the same God as Joshua and the Children of Israel. Therefore, they will receive Blessings from God!


Mother Kofi taught that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the same God who sent her to America.

​May the peace of God be with you this week.  Amen.​​


​e-gameni lika Yesu Krestu u-Msindisi wetu. In the name of Jesus Christ the Savior of ours.​



​​​​Week of July 14, 2014


​"And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest  Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me." (Judges 7:2)

​There were originally 32,000 who were to fight the war with Gideon.  However, God knew that should Gideon and his 32,000 soldiers win, they would credit themselves for winning the war and not God.  Therefore, in the course of the preparation for war, the 32,000 decreased to 300. Despite the odds, the war was won with just the 300. The Sword of the Lord, and of Gideon! â€‹(Judges 7:18) This shows that it does not always take a crowd to succeed and that many times God chooses to show His power with only a few.  Jesus said where there are two or three gathered in his name, he will be in the midst. (St. Matt 18:20).


​Mother Kofi taught that God can take three and make a nation. During her time, thousands upon thousands (if not millions) followed her. However, she prophesied that of the amount that was following her, a time will come that it will go down to three.  â€‹


​May the peace of God be with you this week.  Amen.​​


​e-gameni lika Yesu Krestu u-Msindisi wetu. In the name of Jesus Christ the Savior of ours.​​​


Week of July 21, 2014​


"In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)


​In Jesus’ time he would refer to things that occurred in the past.  He would say “you have heard of old times”.  In modern times, when one reads the New Testament and arrive to the scriptures that refer to old times, one cannot understand what is being referenced unless they have read and studied the Old  Testament (old times).  Therefore, it is better to study the Bible from the very beginning with God’s guidance.  


Mother Kofi instructed to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and not Genesis and Revelation exclusively.​

​May the peace of God be with you this week.  Amen.​​


​​e-gameni lika Yesu Krestu u-Msindisi wetu. In the name of Jesus Christ the Savior of ours.​​​​



Week of July 28, 2014


“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling…" (Jude verse 24)


​Saint Jude explains to the chosen (people of God preserved in Jesus Christ) what will happen when God is not recognized.  He reminds them that God destroyed the people who stopped believing in Him after God had taken them out of Egypt.  He also refers to when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and surrounding cities due their wickedness and evil doings.  He was warning the chosen that this too can happen to them if they stop praying and start doing evil and wicked things. 


Saint Jude instructed them to keep the Love of God and to continue praying. He also directs that the Love of God will keep them (us) from falling (into sin) when forces of evil approach.

​Lil’ Brother emphasized Mother Kofi was a praying woman and to always keep the Christ Spirit in the forefront.​

​May the peace of God be with you this week.  Amen.​​


​​e-gameni lika Yesu Krestu u-Msindisi wetu. In the name of Jesus Christ the Savior of ours.​​​​​



Week of August 4, 2014


“Why leap ye, ye high hills? This is the hill which God desireth to dwell in; yea, the LORD will dwell in it forever” (Psalm 68:16)


God is so High and Great that no one can come against Him and win!  God will always dwell in a place that is truly dedicated to Him and where His works are kept.  A place can also be an individual’s heart.  No matter where a ‘place’ may be, nothing can come against it when it is dedicated to God. 


​We thank God for God leading Lil’ Brother 70 years ago to secure land for His people to dwell and worship Him. Lil’ Brother dedicated this land, Adorkaville, to God in the memory and teachings of Mother Kofi. Happy Founders Day to Adorkaville; Celebrating 70 Years on August 6, 2014! "What a Mighty God We Serve!"

​May the peace of God be with you this week.  Amen.​​


​​​e-gameni lika Yesu Krestu u-Msindisi wetu. In the name of Jesus Christ the Savior of ours.​​​​​​



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